My first question or one of my first questions when I speak to local organisations and individuals at my surgeries is “how can I help?”. So following a conversation I had with Ruth Hyde, Chief Executive of Broxtowe Borough Council, when she explained that in the First Tranche of Covid-19 funding Broxtowe Borough Council were only allocated £51,030, I have been lobbying the Government for Broxtowe Borough Council to get a fair share of the total of over £3.2 billion the Government is providing to councils across England to ensure they have the resources they need during this difficult time. I am really pleased that Broxtowe Borough Council will now receive an additional £1,136,355 from the Government to help ensure essential services are not impacted by the extra demands placed on councils by coronavirus. Our local Council is doing a tremendous job under extraordinary circumstances, helping to ensure the vulnerable are protected and supported. I will continue to champion everything they are doing for our community and work closely with ministers to ensure they always have the resources they need to carry out their important work.
Small businesses across Broxtowe will benefit from ‘Bounce Back Loans’ a new fast-track finance scheme providing loans with a 100 percent Government-backed guarantee for lenders whilst paying any fees and interest for the first 12 months. This scheme will provide loans of up to £50,000 and will help bolster the existing package of support available to the smallest businesses affected by the coronavirus. I keep in regular contact with Mike Watkinson, FSB Development Manager for Nottinghamshire, who said: “This new micro loan scheme will give hope to thousands of small firms by removing the need to provide forecast and marks an important step forward. Longer term, alternative lenders are going to play a key role in recovery and small businesses must be able to access continued finance like this scheme and not just have to rely on the big five banks.”
I would like to introduce you to another Broxtowe COVID-19 Hero. David Ramsden who is a teacher at Bramcote College and was nominated by Heidi Gale, Headteacher, for his contribution to supporting front-line workers with personal protective equipment. Last week he spent three days making PPE visors for QMC and City Hospital and our local care homes. Some photographs of his endeavours are provided in this update.
Today (29th April) is the National Postal Workers Day and I am giving them a ‘thumbs up’. The Royal Mail and the Post Office are playing a pivotal role in ensuring that we receive the communications we need and especially by delivering letters and parcels to the vulnerable who are unable to leave their homes. Royal Mail is encouraging children to put ‘thumbs up’ pictures in their front window and templates are available to download from and they can be shared on social media by using #ThumbsUpForYourPostie
Remember to stay two metres apart, which is just over the height of a post-box, if you need to go out. Otherwise stay at home, to protect the NHS and save lives.