Today, I spoke with Tracy Taylor, Chief Executive of Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, on a conference call with the other Nottinghamshire MPs. As the Government has now given the £5 million ‘seed money’ I spoke about in my first Prime Minister’s Questions, I asked about their plans for the hospital rebuild. Tracey called their rebuild project, Tomorrow’s NUH Programme. The plans are for pre-consultation to be approved by 1st March 2021; the consultation to be completed by 31st July 2021; the outlined business case (BC) to be approved by 30th June 2023; the full BC to be approved by 30th October 2024; and, finally, the build to be finished in 2028/29. Among the key deliverables are a new Women's and Children’s Hospital and an upgraded trauma centre. Their early ideas include modular builds and refurbishments; keeping links with the University of Nottingham for innovation and research (accessed across a bridge at the QMC site) and development at the City Hospital site as well.